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Thursday, May 5, 2011

SEMA Joins “Save the Salt Coalition” to Promote Preservation of Bonneville Salt Flats

SEMA has joined a number of prominent organizations to form the “Save the Salt” Coalition to protect the Bonneville Salt Flats (BSF) from continued deterioration due to salt brine removal from potash mining. SEMA and the Coalition are working with government officials, mine operators and others to develop a permanent program to replenish the salt.

Founding members of the Coalition include SEMA, the SEMA Action Network, the Bonneville Nationals (BNI), Save the Salt Foundation, Source Interlink Media, Southern California Timing Association (SCTA) and Utah Salt Flats Racing Association (USFRA). Doug Evans, executive vice president of Source Interlink Media, has been named chairman of the “Save the Salt Coalition.”

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