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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Forest Service study says negative effect on local economy will be minimal – Yep and national health care will pay for its self!

Forest Service study says negative effect on local economy will be minimal – Yep and national health care will pay for its self!

PowerandPlay.com - This is all so classic of our NEW world government of the future. It is also a lot of BS. The economic impact of Dixie Run 2009 to the Sparta Tennessee area was 1.5 million dollars. The study that the local forest service claims is no where near what...... the private and Government trails teams studies found. Compare a tank of fuel in a truck to a motorcycle. The food purchased to carry in a truck as opposed to carried on a motorcycle - They have killed the local economy and do not care. Tell me which carries more and causes the most economic impact!! The greenies are once again moving to make sure that their agenda is carried out no matter what happens to REAL people~!
Read the article at:


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